Rights and Responsibilities

When you move into your home you sign an occupation contract.
This contract sets out what you can expect from Tai Tarian and also tells you what your rights and responsibilities are as a tenant (or contract holder to give you your official title).
You have important rights as to how you can use the dwelling, although some of these require the consent of your landlord so you will need to ask our permission.
Your contract sets these out in detail and these are summarised below:
You have the right to:
- Live in a home that is in good condition and which has necessary repairs and servicing carried out by Tai Tarian.
- Ask for permission from Tai Tarian to make improvements to your home such as making structural alterations, laying laminate flooring or replacing existing fixtures and fittings.
- Occupy your home and live in a safe and secure environment. If you experience any Anti-Social Behaviour, please click here.
- Be told in advance of any change in your rent or any other charges.
- Take in lodgers and confirm this with us.
- Pass on your contract if you die: this is called succession. There are rules about who can be a successor and when they can have your contract.
- Add or remove joint contract holders without the need to end one and start another.
- Have your say on the way our services are run and about changes which are likely to have a substantial effect on your contract.
- Information about Tai Tarian and your home.
You are responsible for:
- Paying your rent and other charges to Tai Tarian weekly/monthly in advance. If your rent is not paid you could lose your home.
- Insuring the contents of your home. Click here for further details.
- Ensuring you, members of your household and visitors do not cause a nuisance to other people or break the law. You can be held responsible for their actions.
- Asking for our consent for certain things such as adding someone else to your contract, if you want to swap your home or run a business from your property. More information is available here.
- Giving us four weeks notice before ending your contract.
- Telling us if you are away for more than 28 days