Re-Chargeable Repair Works

A repair will be deemed rechargeable if it is damage that cannot be attributed to ‘fair wear and tear’.

A tenant may be charged where Tai Tarian has carried out a repair that is not our responsibility, for example where it has been caused by damage or neglect by the tenant, a member of their household or a visitor.

Such repairs may include:

  • damage caused by tenants, e.g. damage to doors, glazing
  • blocked wastepipes or toilets, caused by unusual obstructions
  • flooding from faulty washing machine
  • Such repairs will be limited to repairs it is necessary for Tai Tarian to carry out under its statutory duties.

A tenant may also be charged if:

  • no one is at home to allow access to a contractor
  • an emergency call out visit is made to a non-emergency situation because of deliberate misinformation
  • the damage is caused by vandalism or break-in and the tenant will not report it to the Police.

If the problem has been caused by vandalism or the tenant has been burgled, the tenant will need to supply a Police Crime Reference Number otherwise a charge will be made. 

Emergency Work will be actioned and an invoice will follow completion of the work. The tenant must accept liability for the repair and responsibility to pay for the damage prior to the work commencing.

Urgent and Non –Urgent Routine Repairs to be recharged will only be ordered and undertaken once payment has been made in advance for the works needed.

All recharge repairs identified by Housing Maintenance Inspectors will be processed following a recharge procedure.

Before an order is raised the tenant will be advised that there will be a charge for repair. In most cases they will be quoted the price, this will be the cost of work, plus VAT and where appropriate an administration fee.

We will always try to make it clear to tenants what we have decided and why we made the decision to recharge.