Landlord's permission

Making improvements
You may make improvements, alterations and additions to your home including making structural alterations, laying laminate flooring or replacing existing fixtures and fittings, provided that you have first obtained our written consent and all other necessary approvals (for example, planning permission or building regulations approval).
Your property may contain asbestos materials so you should contact us before undertaking any works to your property – do not sand, drill or otherwise disturb wall or ceiling coatings (Artex) before contacting us to undertake an asbestos check.
We will not unreasonably withhold consent but we may make it conditional upon the works being carried out to a certain standard.
Failure to seek our consent or to comply with our conditions shall be deemed a breach of your obligations under your occupation contract.
Unauthorised home improvements
You must NOT:
- Make any alteration to your home (which includes constructing drives, hard standings, outbuildings, pigeon lofts, garages or other such structures) or to the boundary walls and fences without our prior written consent.
- Make any alteration to or carry out works of any nature however minor to any electrical, gas or water equipment within your home, including the painting of gas installations).
- Make any changes or physical alterations to the boundaries to your home without prior written consent.
- Carry out any works likely to disturb External Wall Insulation although Tai Tarian may carry out the work at a cost to you. If you are unsure as to whether your property has external wall insulation please contact us
- Carry out any work however minor (such as putting up pictures, TV brackets or shelves) without first obtaining an asbestos check from us.
If you wish to make alterations you must contact us here and complete a Landlord's Permission form giving details of your proposal.
If consent is given there will be conditions, which may include time limits for completing the work and the standard needed.
You will be responsible for the payment of all costs involved including fees for planning permission and building approval and any on-going maintenance costs.
You may also have to put your home back in its original condition at the end of your tenancy. If you do not do so when requested, we may charge you for the reasonable costs of doing the work.
If you do not do so when requested, we may charge you for the reasonable costs of doing the work.