Information for Secure Contract Holders

Key with a Tai Tarian keyring on top of a contract

(*Please note, for legal purposes, tenants are now referred to as contract holders)

You have a Model Written Statement of a Secure Occupation Contract made under the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016. You have already received your Written Statement of the Occupation Contract, from our lettings officer.

Your occupation contract includes all the details about the things that you will need to do, such as paying rent and making sure you take care of your home. It also includes the things we need to do as your landlord, such as making sure the home is safe and fit to live in. You can find out more about the Renting Homes Wales Act and the occupation contracts by visiting

You can read the Welsh Government's 'easy read' version here.

The Model Written Statement of the Secure Occupation Contract, contains important information. You should be familiar with the content of the contract and keep in a safe place for future reference.

The contract is set out in three parts:

Part 1 - Explanatory information

This will provide the information about the type of contract you have, including the different terms. Your contract is a secure contract, which means it is periodic and continues from one rental period to the next (month-to-month or week-to-week). It also means that you cannot be evicted without a court order, unless you abandon the dwelling.

Part 2 - Key Matters

Sets out all the details about:

  • The landlords name, address, and contact details, in addition you will also have received a Notice of Landlords Address (RHW02 Form)
  • Your details
  • The address of the property and date of occupation
  • The rent and other charges payable, including how often and on what day

Part 3 - Secure Occupation Contract Terms

This sets out for both you and for us the landlord, the terms of this contract. You will be able to easily identify the different terms in the following way:

  • Fundamental Terms (F and F+)
  • Supplementary Terms (S)
  • Additional Terms (A)

Key things to remember

  • Be familiar with the terms of your occupation contract
  • Keep it in a safe place for future reference
  • If you have any queries about your contract or need any help, you can speak to your housing officer
  • Keep us informed of any changes to your household, this will help us to deal with future changes to the parties of the contract
  • Make sure you make the rent and service charge payments.
  • You may be entitled to get help to pay your rent through the housing benefit scheme or through universal credit. Apply to your local council or to the Department for Work and Pensions for details. The website provides further advice:
  • We’re here to help Money Matters
  • Look after your home by keeping it clean, tidy and free from rubbish, including your gardens and communal areas
  • Try not to damage things in or around your home such as doors, electrical fittings, cupboards or vandalise other items. You can be charged for the repair of these items if you damage them
  • Make sure that no unlawful activities are taking place in your home
  • Make sure you, your family members and visitors to your home do not cause a nuisance to other people or break the law. You can be held responsible for their actions as the contract-holder


  • Make sure you report repairs quickly to stop things getting worse
  • Allow our staff/contractors to enter your home to carry out repairs or safety checks on heating and electrical fittings. You will be given at least 24 hours’ notice of a visit unless you have reported an emergency repair. All landlords must inform contract-holders in advance if they wish to enter your home
  • Understand that if you don’t allow us or our contractors to visit your home to carry out annual safety checks you may be charged a fee or taken to court
  • The law states that landlords must undertake annual safety checks every year or the landlord can be taken to court

Within your contract, some terms will require you to make a written request for consent from us. These include:

  • Improvements and changes to your home (including work to your outdoor space)
  • Parking of certain vehicles at your home
  • Adding a joint contract-holder
  • To transfer your home with another secure contract holder
  • Keeping a pet
  • Transfer to a potential successor
  • Running a business from your home
  • Subletting

Please speak to your housing officer about any of the above, to ensure that you are complying with your contract, or need any help and advice.

Please note that if you require other formats such as large print or other languages, these are available on request. Please contact your housing officer.

If you are in any doubt about your legal rights or obligations, you should go to a Citizens’ Advice Bureau, housing aid centre, law centre or solicitor. Help with all or part of the cost of legal advice from a solicitor may be available under the Legal Aid Scheme