Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Renting Homes Wales Act and what it means for you:

Why have I received a copy of an occupation contract?
We are legally required to issue these due to the changes brought in by the Renting Homes Wales Act.

Why is this change happening?
To make it simpler and easier for landlords and tenants to rent a home in Wales.

These changes have been planned by Welsh Government for some time and have been scrutinised and supported by tenant organisations such as TPAS Cymru and Shelter Cymru.

What will happen to my tenancy?
Your tenancy automatically converted to an occupation contract on 1st December 2022.

What if I do not want to change my tenancy agreement?
This is a legal requirement by Welsh Government and from 1st December 2022 all tenancies and licences converted to an occupation contract.

We have each received a copy of the contract, why?
Under the regulations where there are joint contract-holders, we have to issue each of you a copy.

My neighbour has not received their contract?
There is nothing to worry about, everyone will receive their contracts by the end of May 2023.

Do I need to sign and return the contract?
You DO NOT need to sign or return the contract, just keep it in a safe place for future reference. Please don’t write any alterations on it and return it to us

Are any of my rights affected?
No. You have been provided with the most secure form of occupation contract allowed by the new regulations and you have not lost any of your existing rights.

Do I need to inform housing benefit or Universal Credit?
No, there is no need to let them know of this contract change.

My title/name is not correct on my contract
The name that has been included in the contract is what we have on our records.

You will need to let us know in writing* if you wish to amend anything. If you have changed your name, you will need to provide us with proof of ID to do this.

Proof of ID includes - copy of passport, driving licence, birth certificate, marriage certificate, change of name via deed poll etc.

My address is incorrect on the contract
The address we have included has been generated from our records.

The date of occupation is not correct on my contract,
The date of occupation has been generated from our systems.

If you were a council tenant prior to the stock transfer to NPT Homes we will have used the date of the last tenancy issued to you by us.

If the occupancy date is 23rd May 2011 onwards, this is because this was the tenancy issued by NPT Homes or Tai Tarian. This is the latest tenancy agreement entered into by all parties.

However, we do continue to keep a record of your previous Tenancy you held with the council.

The above is based on the legal advice we have received.

If you would like a further explanation on your date of occupation please contact us in writing* - address below.

My rent and charges are not correct
The rent and charges that have been included in the contract reflect the annual increase from April 2023.

Please note that within the ‘key matters’ it shows the following sentence:

The first payment is to be made on ________________________________________

And further payments are to be made weekly in advance on a Monday

The date we have inserted is the Monday following the issuing of the contract.

My partner/spouse/other contract-holder is no longer living here but lives elsewhere
According to our records this is a joint contract.

You will need to tell us that the joint contract holder is no longer living with you. The person who has left also needs to tell us that they have moved out too.

Please confirm in writing*, providing reasons and contact details for the person who has left (address and contact telephone numbers, email)

What happens if I die (succession rights)?
After your death, your home may pass to a successor like a partner, family member or carer.

There are rules about who can be a successor and when they can have your contract.

The successor must tell us straight away about your death and provide a death certificate.

Keep documents to prove who lives with you. For example, a bill that shows their name and address.

My spouse/partner has recently passed away and I have received a contract from you with both our names
Please accept our condolences.

You will need to send us a copy of the death certificate so we can amend our records.

Please can you post* a copy of the death certificate as soon as possible - address below.

I want to add someone to my contract (sole to joint CH)
This requires our consent and some of the things we take into account are:

  • Whether a partner or family member
  • Must be aged 18 years or above
  • If they have been resident for 12 months
  • A form is to be completed and proof provided

Please confirm your request in writing* - address below

I want to take my name off (withdraw from) my contract as a joint CH
Please write to us about your name being taken off the contract and write to the remaining joint CH so they are aware.

One month written notice must be given.

Please confirm your request in writing*, providing reasons - address below

I would like to pass my contract to someone else
This requires our consent and criteria to be met for the person being added includes:

  • Whether a partner or family member
  • Must be aged 18 years or above
  • Resident for 12 months at the time of the request as only or main principal home
  • A form to be completed and proof provided

If you want to look into this further, even if the person to be added doesn’t seem to meet the criteria, please put the request in writing.

Please confirm your request in writing*, providing details - address below.

I want to swap (exchange) my home with another secure contract-holder
This requires our consent, which may include conditions to be met. Please contact us for more details.

I want to end (terminate) my contract
This can be done where there is a sole CH or where both joint CHs want to do this. You must give us four weeks’ notice in writing to do this.

Will I be able to take in a lodger?
Yes, if you are a secure contract-holder you continue to have the right to have a lodger as long as this does not create statutory overcrowding.

You will need to inform us of any lodgers in writing and if you receive benefits you will need to inform the Department of Work and Pensions or housing benefit. You will need to tell us when they moved in and give us their date of birth and contact number.

Please confirm your request in writing*, providing details - address below.

My property is unfit and repairs have not been completed

  • If you have any concerns about repairs, it is important that you speak to us about them, while continuing to pay your rent.
  • Please provide access for all inspections and safety checks.
  • Not paying your rent can lead to rent arrears and we can give you notice or enter you to court.
  • We want to work with you to make sure our homes meet the required standards.

Where agreement can’t be reached, the court can decide if a home is fit or not and if you need to pay back any rent that may be owed.

I want to keep a pet/I have a pet but no permission
Please complete and return a pets’ consent form.

I want to make alterations to my home
Please compete and return a landlord permission form.

I have made alterations to my home and I have not asked for permission
Please compete and return a landlord permission form.

I want to update my household member details
Please confirm in writing if someone has left or moved into your household, confirming when the change happened and giving their name, date of birth and relationship to you.

Please confirm the details in writing*

*If we've asked you to write to us in relation to your contract, then please contact:

My Contract
Tai Tarian
Tŷ Gwyn
Brunel Way
Baglan Energy Park
SA11 2FP

Or you can e-mail