Renting Homes Wales

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About Renting Homes Wales
Since 1 December 2022 the Welsh Government's Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 has changed the way all landlords in Wales rent their properties. It improved how people rent, manage, and live in rented homes – which is good news for all tenants across Wales.

What does it mean for me?
Under the new law, tenants have become ‘contract-holders’. Tenancy agreements have been replaced with ‘occupation contracts’.

The new law has made renting easier and provided greater security for all tenants.

This means:

  • Contract holders receiving a written contract setting out your rights and responsibilities.
  • An increase in the ‘no fault’ notice period from two to six months
  • Greater protection for you from eviction
  • The same succession rights to pass on your home
  • More flexible arrangements for joint contract-holders, making it easier to add or remove others to your contract

Our existing tenants will receive their new occupation contracts within six months from 1st December 2022 and our new customers will sign up to a new occupation contract from this date.

No need to worry
You will still be able to live in your home, you will still pay rent, and we will still do your repairs and look after your estates and communal areas.

We worked closely with Welsh Government, Community Housing Cymru and other housing organisations to prepare for the changes, whilst our staff worked hard to ensure the changes were implemented as seamlessly as possible.

Find out more
To find out more about the new legislation, have a look at: