Talking affordability

Monday 11 November 2024

People talking over a table

Each year a lot of work goes in to making sure that the rents and service charges for your homes are fair and affordable.

We are a not-for-profit community landlord and 85% of our income comes from the rent we receive. We use this to repair and improve your home and community and support you when you need our help.

A key part of our cost of living and affordability work is talking to people to get their views.

Our housing team regularly ask for feedback, visiting community events, Haven schemes, getting to hear how tenants are managing with money and how affordable they feel our rent and service charges are. The conversations have been so valuable. We have also carried out an important survey and workshop to capture even more views from tenants on affordability.

Next up we will consider the Welsh Government’s guidelines together with our research findings, whilst continuing the affordability conversation with our tenants.

You will receive rent booklets in January which will give details of how your rent is spent and that your charges will be from April 2025. When you get yours, take time to read it and keep it safe. If you need help understanding the information or if you are worried about paying your rent, please get in touch.