Llewellyn Almshouses look for a treasurer

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Almshouses, Neath

Are you a finance professional who could support a historic building that we manage in Neath?

Volunteer treasurer vacancy for – The Llewellyn Almshouses
Leonard Street, Neath, SA113HL

The Llewellyn Almshouses are a registered charity comprising of a Grade 2 listed building in Leonard Street, Neath which was built in 1897 and contains 9 bedsit units plus a 1-bedroom flat.

The operation of the Almshouses is governed by a Trust Deed and in accordance with that deed, the Almshouses are run by a board of five trustees. Three trustees are appointed by Neath Port Talbot CBC; the fourth trustee is the Rector of Neath; and the fifth trustee is co-opted by the other trustees. The charity does not have any employees and day to day management has been delegated to Tai Tarian and is carried out in accordance with a management agreement for which an annual charge is made. Tai Tarian also maintains the building.

The current treasurer is looking to retire in June 2024 therefore the trustees are now looking to appoint a new treasurer to support the charity into the future.

To be considered for the role you will need to demonstrate:

  • Skills in financial management
  • Knowledge of accounting principles, financial regulations, and investment strategies
  • Experience in financial analysis, cash flow management and treasury operations
  • Strategic thinking, integrity, and commitment
  • Excellent communication and leadership skills
  • Attention to detail.
  • The ability to work well under pressure and have effective problem-solving skills.
  • Strong financial skill with the ability to analyse data.

You will be able to contribute regular time and interest to the work of the charity, attending four meetings a year, preparation time will be required to prepare budgets, review of annual financial statements, grant applications and claims (five-year cycle). There are generally four meetings a year, in person or via Microsoft Teams.

If you have a few spare hours a month and would like to give something back to your community, we would be delighted to hear from you.

To apply, please send your CV and cover letter via email to workingwithus@taitarian.co.uk, with the email subject 'Almshouses Treasurer Role'.

If you would like to discuss the role further before applying, please contact Martin Jones, the current treasurer on 07715 619523 or by email martin.jones51@btinternet.com.

Download the recruitment pack here.