If you claim benefits, things are changing

Wednesday 29 May 2024

What is Universal Credit leaflet

Traditional benefits known as legacy benefits are ending and being replaced by Universal Credit, this is known as managed migration.

Legacy benefits are:

Other benefits, such as Personal Independence Payment (PIP), will stay the same.

When are the changes happening?

The following benefits will be replaced by UC this year:

  • April: Income Support, Tax Credit with Housing Benefit (under pension age)
  • June: Housing Benefit
  • July: ESA – income based with Child Tax Credit
  • September: JSA – income based and income based ESA with or without housing benefit

What do you need to do?

The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) will send you a letter to let you know when it’s time for you to make a claim for UC and how to do it.

When you get your letter, make your claim as soon as possible.

Leaving it until last minute could mean you will be without financial support until your claim is processed.

Doing it straight away will also mean your UC matches your previous benefit income to make sure you’re not worse off financially because of the move.

So how do you apply?

This is something you need to do yourself online, but only once you have you’re your letter. If you need any help with this or any advice about the move to UC please contact the team.

Information on how to apply will be outlined there but if you do need help, you can get in touch with us, can call the Universal Credit Migration Notice helpline for free on 0800 169 0328 or visit your local job centre.

Find out more:

More about Universal Credit, when you need to apply and support available here: Move to Universal Credit - Move to Universal Credit (ucmove.campaign.gov.uk)