Checking callers' ID

Thursday 27 February 2025

A genuine Tai Tarian staff member, wearing her ID badge, knocking on a tenant's door

We would like to remind tenants that our staff and contractors will always carry named ID to show they work for us when they visit your home.

If a member of one of our teams comes to your home, then you can ask to see the ID.

If you are still feeling unsure about someone who knocks at your door saying they are working for us, or carrying out work on behalf of Tai Tarian, you can still check with us.

You can do this by calling 0300 777 0000. This is the number for our contact centre who can check if they are who they say they are.

We have a working relationship with the police who take reports of suspicious callers seriously.

General advice
Anyone who calls at your door from any legitimate organisation should have some form of identification. You are well within your rights to ask for this and make a note of their details.

Never give out personal or financial details to anyone you’re unsure about. If you aren’t comfortable, legitimate visitors will understand this and allow you to check or rearrange.

They have some tips if you are concerned about bogus visitors:

  • If you have doubts about who is at your door, do not let anyone into your home.
  • Always put the chain on before you open the door. However, only put on your door chain as you answer the door – do not keep it on all the time as this could delay your exit in the case of fire.
  • Check the identity of the caller by calling the company they claim to be from. Do not use any phone numbers provided by the caller – they may be bogus.
  • Genuine callers won’t mind making an appointment for a date when you can have someone with you. This gives you time to check their identity too.
  • Remember, if the caller refuses to give details or does not show what you believe is a genuine ID card, do not let them in and call the police straight away.
  • Keep doors locked and windows secure at all times.
  • If somebody asks for your help, needs to make a phone call, claims to have lost a ball in your garden, needs a drink or pen and paper, don’t invite them into your house. If you really want to offer help, make them wait outside and while you’re away from your door, close and lock it. Remember: it is your doorstep, your decision.
  • Never use companies who make unsolicited calls, don’t provide written contracts or who offer to do work for cash.