Suppliers and Contractors

The role of procurement at Tai Tarian is to promote best practice, achieve value for money and provide a central contact for all issues and legislation relating to procurement.

The team also advises departments on the procurement of specific goods and services, including tender documents, managing tender processes, maintaining relationships with suppliers and ensuring that legal and audit requirements are met at each stage.

Effective procurement has a critical role to play in delivering the strategic objectives of the organisation, and improving the quality and value for money of the services delivered to our tenants. Tai Tarians’ procurement takes place in a fair and open manner, following transparent and auditable procedures in all tendering and contracting activity.

We have a legal requirement to comply with the EU Procurement Directives, which govern the way in which procurement by public bodies is conducted for contracts over certain specified thresholds. The EU Directives are transposed into UK Law, known as the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, which require contracting authorities to follow detailed procedures for all procurement above these set thresholds.

The current thresholds can be found here.

Below these thresholds we follow our own procurement procedures to ensure value for money.


Want to work with Tai Tarian ?

Tai Tarian currently utilises its own Select List of Contractors and Consultants for works and consultancy services. If you are interested in submitting an application form, email

When it is not appropriate to utilise our Select List, we will advertise all tender opportunities to Sell2Wales.