Does your rent provide value for money?

Mon 18 Jul 2022

Some of our homes

Every year we provide tenant satisfaction results to Welsh Government, with 20% of tenants surveyed about what they think about us. 

One of the key questions we ask is if you feel that your rent provides value for money, 80% say yes.

As this was lower than the last time we surveyed you we thought we would share a little bit more about how your rent is spent and what you receive for the money which is paid to us.

The majority of our money is spent on improving and maintaining your home and on our services.

As well as rent delivering value for money, we know that affordability is always a hot topic.

We work with tenants every year to consider how much rent to charge, (based on guidelines given to us by the
Welsh Government). 

Your views about affordability have given us a better understanding of what you think about the rent you pay. 

Affordable and fair You have told us that our rents and service charges are generally affordable and fair, but we want to continue our work with you to aim for fairness and sustainability based on our four affordability principles:
1. We will compare our rents against market rents.
2. Our rents will be affordable, in-line with the Living Rent Model for households with tenants who earn a low wage.
3. Our rents will consider the number of bedrooms you have.
4. We will set out what tenants will receive for service charges, and will ensure the amount is fair, reasonable, and provides value for money.